Quantum physics has shown us that everything is energy, including our bodies, our thoughts and our emotions. All forms of energy, including light and sound, are described as waves with specific frequencies and wavelengths. The difference in how we perceive energy is related to its frequency, or speed of vibration. The physical body vibrates at a much greater density than the very fast energy frequencies of sound, and so we perceive the human body as solid, while we can't see sound. Similarly, while we can't 'see' the energy of our thoughts and beliefs, they are energy regardless, and can and do impact our wellbeing.
How does this relate to energy healing? Energy healing involves the balancing, or channeling of energy to promote healing and well-being in the body, mind, and soul. It operates on the principle that the body has an energy field that can be influenced or corrected to facilitate healing. The energy frequencies of our bodies can be influenced by stress, environmental factors, trauma, and our thoughts and beliefs, creating emotional and physical illness (dis-ease). We use energy healing to work with the energy frequencies of the body, restoring the natural flow and balance to facilitate the body's natural healing abilities.